Friday, October 15, 2010

The Complex Infrastructure Known As The Female Mind

(That title is from the song Mood Rings by Reliant K
  • Thongs Are Not Comfortable. If a girl says she wears thongs and they're really comfortable...she's a liar. Sorry. Thong's aren't uncomfortable per se, but they definitely aren't comfortable. They're sexy and we know boy's like them. That's why we wear them. 

  • We Dress Up For Other Girls. Girls do not get all dressed up for boys. We want to be hot and girls judge hotness harshly. Therefore, we try to impress every girl we see by getting pretty. 

  • There Is A Girl Code. Not only is there a girl code, but there are strict penalties for breaking the girl code. I have broken the girl code. My advice: It's not worth it. 

  • We Crave Affirmation. Give us compliments and give them to us now. It's not that difficult. Don't make us ask "how do I look?" Don't be a bitch, tell us we're pretty. 

  • Menstruation Is Not A Big Deal. Don't flip out and act like it's the freakiest thing in the world. Every girl has a period. It is not scary. If it creeps you out, my advice: get over it. 

  • We Like Boobs. Boobs are fun. They look pretty, they're fun to touch, and they're multi-functional. We may not love them as much as guys, but we definitely like them.

  • We Have Questions We Never Ask. Everyone has questions about the opposite sex that they don't want to ask. What does it feel like to have a penis? Is it fun to pee standing up? Is it hard to ask out a girl? 

  • Girls Like Sex. Don't believe that girls never think about sex. Don't believe that men want sex much more than women. We are interested in sex. We have fantasies. Cool, right?

  • We Have Naked Pillow Fights. Just kidding. 

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