Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Hate Animal Rights

Don't get me wrong: I love animals. I just love humans more. The next time someone asks you to sign a petition to stop the euthanizing of animals ask them this: Who is going to give all the money needed to take care of the hundreds of thousands of animals that are unwanted? You? If you want to do it, then adopt them all yourself. If not, Shut up.

Also, to vegans, I respect your decision but please don't try to convince me that I should be like you. If you do, this is what I will say: you claim that animals are just as important/special/wonderful as humans and should not be eaten/taken advantage of. If animals were really equal to humans, they would be much more intelligent and wouldn't do things like eat their own babies. Further more, if all lives are sacred, you should remember that a life is defined as something that can grow and reproduce. This includes vegetables. If you want to eat something that is not alive try some rocks or dirt.

These people have so much passion for what they do. I wish they would use that passion for something more important like feeding orphans, getting children free healthcare, curing cancer, stopping war, ending hate crimes and so forth.

Next time you want to save an animal, save a human instead.

Love, Bethany

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